Saturday, September 26, 2009

Thing #2-Web 2.0

I began teaching 13 years ago. Technology in those days mainly consisted of going to the computer lab once a week and learning how to use the computer. It is certainly challenging as a teacher to keep up with the constantly changing technology, as well as learning how to incorporate the use of it in the classroom. But as teachers it is our responsibility to keep learning about all the new and different uses of technology out there and teaching our children how to use if.
The way I use technology in my classroom today has changed drastically. One of the main ways is using the Promethean board in my classroom. It is amazing how having the board in my classroom affects students behavior. The students love being able to use the board and will do anything to have their turn at using it.
I am looking forward to learning about some of the new technology that is out there. And I can't wait to bring it back to my classroom and share it with my students!

1 comment:

  1. I've been in education for 23 years and the past five years have seen huge changes in the technology available to us in the classroom. I applaud your willingness to learn about it and use it with your students.
