Sunday, October 4, 2009

Thing #7-Commenting

The importance of commenting just very simply gives you a wide variety of ideas and opinions. Sometimes when people blog they are very passionate about their perspective on a given topic and may not have considered other viewpoints. When done correctly and in good taste, commenting can spark continued discussion and healthy debate on a given topic. The internet and the immediacy of information today allows for bloggers and commenters to engage in discussion that might not otherwise take place. A good blogger, and a good educator, should be open minded to different perspectives and welcome the opportunity to increase their knowledge.

1 comment:

  1. I definitely agree with your statement, "Sometimes when people blog they are very passionate about their perspective on a given topic and may not have considered other viewpoints." I rarely comment on blogs, news articles, etc. unless I am extremely moved by the information. I've noticed on may news sites that most of the commenting turns into a huge verbal battle where some people basically spout stupidity and ignorance just because they can do so anonymously.
